Connecting/ disconnecting your existing domain

  • Updated

If you already have a custom domain and would like to connect it to your Polywork website, read the steps below.

If you'd like to purchase a custom domain via Polywork, visit this help center article instead.
  1. Log in to your Polywork account
  2. Click on the profile image icon at the right top of the screen
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Click “Domain
  5. Select your domain name provider that manages your DNS records from the drop-down
Note: If the provider is not on your list, select “My provider isn't here, but I know what I'm doing.

     6. Enter your domain name into the "Connect Domain" field 

     7. Click Next

     8. We’ll generate your custom DNS target

     9. Log in to your DNS provider and create an ALIAS, ANAME, or flattened CNAME record

    10. Go back to your Polywork profile and click Next and Done

Troubleshooting tips:

If the custom domain isn't fully set up within 24 hours, we recycle the DNS Target/Heroku Value. In this case, you will need to delete any previously created records and regenerate a new DNS Target.

Disconnecting your domain

1. Go back to your domain settings in your Polywork profile

2. Click on the settings icon next to your domain

3. Select Disconnect URL

CleanShot 2023-09-06 at 13.01.50@2x.png

4. Select Disconnect on the next screen

CleanShot 2023-09-06 at 13.03.33@2x.png

5. Start from the beginning of this guide to set up your custom domain again

For any additional issues, please reach out to