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Building your website: blocks and appearance
Premium subscription: billing, invoices
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Bug report: something is not working!
Feature request: what would you like to see on Polywork?
Report community guidelines violation
I want to delete my account
<% var getColumnClasses = function(columnNumber) { var classNames = 'col-12'; if (columnNumber >= 2) classNames += ' md:col-6'; if (columnNumber >= 3) classNames += ' lg:col-4'; if (columnNumber >= 4) classNames += ' xl:col-3'; return classNames; } %> <% if (articles.length) { %>
<% articles.forEach(function(article) { %>
<%= article.title %> <% if (article.promoted) { %>
Promoted article
<% } %>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
<% if (previousArticle || nextArticle) { %>
<% if (previousArticle) { %>
<%= previousArticle.title %>
<% } %> <% if (nextArticle) { %>
<%= nextArticle.title %>
<% } %>
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